Igniting Creative Living: 31 Days of Daily Posts and a Dog

I’ve had this website/blog for a couple of months now but I haven’t been writing anything to post. I decided to challenge myself with a once a day post for the month of July. I have lots of things to talk about in the creative realm.

There are tons of projects I want to start but I never act upon it. Part of it is because I want to blog and vlog about it and never take the time to set up the video camera. Then I say to myself, “oh I don’t want to get all of that out.” So it goes the by the waste side.

But today, for some reason, I decided to just jump in a write a post today and make myself port daily for the entire month. But I want the posts to have some value to the blog, not just a hey I’m posting to post so I can check off today. I’m looking at it from the standpoint of building a habit to post regularly. If I get really into the groove, I can add videos to the You Tube channel.

I have several things to write about. My veggie garden, which I did want to make a video about it a few months ago when I was planting. I have been refocused on weight loss and overall health in the past few weeks. So there are many things to discuss.

The biggest challenge for this month, I think, won’t necessarily be from finding topics to write but just sitting down to do it. So far the weather hasn’t been very nice. We’ve had a few near 100 degree days before summer even officially arrived! My Hobbit house doesn’t have central heat and air, so I suffer along with a portable AC unit and window AC unit. There are times the kitchen is hot has the seventh ring of hell. So yeah, July weather sucks.

And here’s a photo of my dog Roland just because…